Our passion has turned into an innovative concept that aims to bringing the ski community together.
Our goal is to offer a valuable tool for all skiers and ski pros to improve their ski conditioning and stamina.
The SKICOSMOS method, was born so skiers of all levels can ski more volume further developing their level of
ski fitness and technique.
Gianna Benardi
Bachelor & Master degree in Sports
Science, specialized in Sports Physiology and Injury Prevention.
Strength & Conditioning coach, specialized on alpine skiers and runners
Athletic performance & rehab
ISIA Ski Coach
CSIA level 3 Ski Instructor
Taekwondo Coach, black belt 5 Dan
Supporting athletes, of all levels, to achieve their goals.
Athletic background
Competed with the National Taekwondo team in European and World championships.
Track & Field athlete for over 10 years.
My passion: Running & Skiing

Bachelor & Master degree in Business Administration
ISIA coach
IFSA coach
CSIA level 3 Ski Instructor
Avalanche Safety Instructor
CPR/AED Instructor
Equestrian Instructor
Search and Rescue team leader.
Author of 2 autobiographical writings.
‘When there is a will there is a way’, tells the story of SAR evolution in Europe by describing true rescue missions.
‘Without second thoughts’ describes the SAR mission following the 2010 Haiti earthquake, known as ‘The Miracle’.
My life has been an adventure. Leading SAR missions under the U.N. for the last 20 years.
Skiing has been my passion.
Love to sail, trail run and water ski.
Athletic background
Showjumping athlete for over 30 years
Showjumping National team member
We are ski people, outdoor lovers, travelers and tough to find behind a desk!!
We live and breathe for skiing. We pray for snow. Much like yourself we love our sport.
We work hard and play hard.
Our passion has turned into an innovative business concept that aims to bring the ski community together. Our goal is to offer a valuable tool for all skiers to improve their ski conditioning and stamina. A high tech path to become stronger skiers and improve the ski technique.
Our state of the art simulators allow SKICOSMOS crew to teach off slope, generate excitement for the sport and get some great fitness-cross training exercise, at the same time. Getting on the simulator is going to prepare you physically to ski more volume improving your skiing significantly.
It is by far the closest thing to on snow skiing!
SKICOSMOS method was born in our ski lab in North Vancouver and
has been focused on making ski simulation totally transferable on snow.